Holding the middle – gerbil lessons

Over the years, when there’s been conflict between groups – like what’s been in the news lately, I’ve thought of a lesson from watching pet gerbils. About what sparks conflict in situations where both sides avow nonviolence. And when, in fact, there’s been peaceful coexistence.

Factions appear to coalesce around the opinions of the most forceful members …” – Crowds, Cults, and Extremes in Invisible Rulers: The People Who Turn Lies into Reality by Renee DiResta

Back in the early 1970’s I still had some gerbils. 4 or 5 from the same litter in a large glass-sided tank. All just fine – together in communal nest … grooming bonds in play and rest.

One time a friend asked me to take care of a similar litter of gerbils while she was away. In a separate cage. Side by side, all just fine.

Then I began to wonder how they’d all get along together. Perhaps after reading about interactions between chimp tribes in the wild. Or reading about pack animals.

So, I partitioned my tank into equal areas, using a framed wire mesh screen. I waited for days. That arrangement appeared to work. Some interest between the two groups. But no real conflict. Just some occasional skittishness by one of mine, a smaller gerbil (the “runt” of the litter).

At some point, I started placing one of my gerbils in with my friend’s. Briefly. And waited. If there was no problem, I added another – but not the smaller one. That worked. (I recognized which group each belonged to.)

Finally, I tried placing the small one in with all the others. That was okay for awhile … but it always started fighting with one of my friend’s gerbils. Not play fighting. Despite one of my larger gerbils sort of acting as a peacekeeper, grooming the small one. No rest. Conflict escalated.

I restored both groups to separate spaces. Peace & order again.

Anyway, we’ve moved beyond the “love train.” Polarization. With performative illiberal illogic. Is the divide really about ideology? Perhaps more about temperament?